Monday, December 10, 2007

Oh my aching feet

I got the tree all taken care of today. I had my husband dig it out of the garage and shake it out really good. See, we have a fake tree- a fake tree that I leave assembled all year out in the garage. I take all the ornaments and lights off, but I leave all those fake ass branches in their handy dandy little slots 'cause I'm not about to take them out and try to get it all right again the next year. So then I got it in the house, bug free, and began the decorating. The kids helped after I got the lights all on. Husband was doing homework. G was very excited about the "pretty tree" and all the things we got to put on it. I'll have to take pictures of the tree tomorrow. Made the banana macadamia nut pancakes yesterday instead of today, and they were AMAZING. There are 2 left in the fridge and now that I am thinking about them, I wanna eat them, even though it's 1 a.m. and I'm about ready to hit the bed. This is a pitiful entry lol but hey, I'm tired :P

1 comment:

ummmhello said...

Artificial trees are the BEST. My little one and I painted some ornaments last night. It was very messy, but fun. And he loves glitter. Which kind of worries my husband.... :)